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  • Writer's pictureSiraje Kifamunyanja

Love is a big challenge

I have a message for you sisters and brothers. We should develop a culture of sharing our knowledge and experience so as to benefit the whole society. God created us differently some have big penis size, some small penis size that's how we are. Don't hate yourself because you have a small penis. Just be happy with the size you got. Just the way men have different penis sizes the vagina sizes of women also differ. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. A woman's vagina size depends on the size of the men she sleeps with. With the increase of technology it is now possible to change your private parts size. But my advice is not to do that especially to women. God created you to be changed naturally that's why the female clitoris is located in the inside. Sisters don't touch your body trying to have a big vagina. When you have sex the clitoris disappears to the extent that people wont be able to see it. When romancing it becomes difficult for you that may lead to infection especially to those who push the clitoris inside. Making the body look good you have to eat well.choose one if you want someone to have romance with you, you must choose either hand or the secret parts. Even when they write your fashion becomes different. Dont think love is big things, love should be simple like loving touching. If you already created that thing, my story wont help you a lot. You should make your partner aware to avoid infections. A non circumcised person is different from a circumcised one. The body is slightly soft. They can also cause infection. I know what am saying as I was circumcised at the age of 25. I know there is a big difference between a circumcised and a non circumcised. Women have different quantity of water within. Some women finish quick and some take longer. People who are not circumcised take longer and easily infection prone because of soft skin while the circumcised are less prone. No one is 100% unique by the way they are born. Believe me sex not for touch touch for big. Love not challenge you no one will settle for less, the love value changes before and after sex. Love challenge is and bring close with anyone who can stay with him. Brothers and sisters when you make children make sure they are circumcised at young age to help them from infection. Help your son to be circumcised at young age to help them from infection. Don't think I write this for you only it is for the coming generations too. I help you and the grand generations to live a better life. To stay with one and you will enjoy love. I believe when you change and when you live with one they going to be one and the same. You need to stay with a single woman and create trust.

Love is a big challenge it's not one part, there are multiple parts Communication is vital in love You will only come across one person that understands all of who let and completely, Dont confuse sexual love with emotional love, People will love you, authentically Change is not needed for love

I am honest in what I am trying to express, The younger me was used to questioning love and its meaning When I was younger I thought changing myself physically would make me happier, more attractive and successful.

My friend misinterpreted how I was feeling, They kept questioning my behaviour, They never understood,

Through the distance between my friends and I I understood That love had more depth, and experience involved learning, Behaviour, communication and my character were the most important elements in life and in love.

Dears, we aren’t different from fruits, vegetables and animals. We are the same. If you want to know whether were the same, go to the market and taste everything. You will see that some of the bananas won’t look good, but they will taste very delicious. You will see bananas that look good, but won’t taste delicious. All the fruits are the same. Meat is also the same with bananas and other foods. If you see Animals, fish and trees, they are the same as well. People we are different with fashion. If you sit on the street, look at the people who are walking. You will see that they don’t all walk the same. If you watch people on the street, you will see that they look different. You will see that some of the fashion are not common. We have big difference from Animals and fruits. The communication and listening/understanding is different. This is the same with character. If you see someone walk and they have their partners, don’t look at them and think that they have an ugly partner. This is the same if you see that their partner is beautiful. Sometimes you might find that the person is ugly, but might be beautiful inside, this makes them beautiful and is why it makes them happy. Sometimes beautiful is very different. We think that the face and figure is what makes something beautiful, but this isn’t beauty. We can find that your partner is beautiful, but doesn’t make you happy. You aren’t going to take their beauty and put it on your face so that you look good. If they have bad character, and he doesn’t have good communication with you, all of her faces and figure won’t matter and you won’t think about her face and figure. The relationship will be over. If their face and figure don’t look good, but have good character and the good communication, everything will be beautiful. Dears, you have to understand that love is communication and character. This is a very important. If you’re with a millionaire, but communication and behaviour doesn’t connect together, you won’t think about the money. You will separate and you’ll look for someone who is poorer. You can be with someone who is disabled, but if they have good character and behaviour you won’t think about their disability. Dears, i saw a lot of people who have challenged themselves. If they get told that their ugly, some of them think about killing themselves. Don’t kill yourself, because someone said you’re ugly. Killing yourself won’t change your figure or face. You can have beautiful parts on your body or inside, and you don’t understand that you’re beautiful. Sometimes someone might tell you that your ugly, but their just jealous of you, they just want to make you crazy. If you kill yourself, her jealousy will win you. You have to know that if you don’t need something, (an example apple) you won’t have time to touch the apple.

If they see that their ugly, and they waste their time saying that your ugly, this means that their jealous of you. Sometimes, they can use to call and challenge you don’t hang the phone. If they tell you that you’re ugly, say yes and ask them what they want to change. He’s wasting his phone credit, and you have to know this. Dears, people who don’t like you won’t have time to go call you, or send you message. Dears if people say you’re ugly, laugh at them this is a big medicine to them. Tell them that something brings people to fallow beautiful, they change and they bring them to follow ugly people. Tell them that their all the same and there’s no need difference. One day I was walking with my friend. She told me we goto lunch. We want to go into hotel I could Smell the food was bad. I said I didn't want to eat there cause the food smelled bad. She said why you don't want to go? I explained how the food smelled very bad. She gave me a scarf to cover your nose so you can go insidee to eat. When I ate the food oooooohhhh ooohhhh the food was delicious. So in life we must noy judge on what we see and Smell until we try it. Then make judgement. This time I hid my eyes and nose.■ dear share with your community this page women and men and children dreaming is like tornado. The government not giving women their rights affect everyone including children and men When i was talking to the people with authorities and when he asked me why i wanted to get suffering about women.

government taking away women rights and aren't allowed to make friends on the street and decide to give them the wrong rights so they can use them as workers. They abuse them 100 percent. It is not the only problem they get. they get abused in other ways. Some problems affect their children as well. I don't want to talk about this kind of problems as they may affect people already dealing with them. If you have doctors , go to your doctors, ask them questions if everyday to meet different men or women from three above. Support my page to defend your grands. If you would like to know the other problems they get you make appointment with me ,

To men you are the same like women, our rights were taken away as well. We are not allowed to talk to women on the street or follow them or look at them. They want us as well to support them to follow them at their work to give them power to abuse them.. For us we are abused like 70 percent. When you call the company that you want to meet a person from there , they charge you for one hour three hundred. You spend the time looking at hour so that you don't exceed and pay extra hour. When you meet the person you don't have any conversation or know them. You are not different from people who are raped. The money you pay her she is not taking your money. All of you have the same problem.

Children they take away parents rights. Parents don't have rights for their own children. They say children are free to do what they want. When they come with their friends you cant stop them from bringing their friend to the house. Now when they meet the rules give them rights to meet. When he grows up and his life turns out well then the past starts coming out. That he went out with young child. Then when he had a job he will not be able to continue . Then the child who didn't receive sex clinic will have all have the same problems.

Animals have more rights to people. They is no good that even your human nature is controlled. Even if its your parents, or government. To control them all including mother fathers and children to be sex clinic and distressed. Ten they start to give them medicine. Now people walk with medicine . Since i was born i didn't see teenage do suicide or women sitting on the street crying until i was 45.

i see it now and feel my grands pain this life style. Anywhere you are don't question because you don't see it where you are. Politicians can copy it anytime or you can move. Don't say i don't want to support it can help your grands in future Remember when there was no law for couple to share property. When there was separation , everyone kept their property. T here was no killing each other or children. It was safer. Now since law came it is not safer for either women children or men. Now when a person have property they are afraid to get together. Now people became homeless. Go to my page and share it with your friends and family.

Whether you are rich , poor or in power support our sisters, when they have right we too have rights. Where i was born all politicians , kings ,and queens are foreigners .not only my country but others as well like Libya. Gaddafi he said that labels slept in halls like rats. But when he has caught he was caught from the hall.he was killed by his gold gun. What killed him is what he loved most and dreamed of .Our dreaming is a tornado. check your self since you were younger what you dreamed of is like tornado. When Community have rights you have rights and everyone have rights. Your family have rights… ♡♡♡♡ Parents, we have to be together to fight about the rights of our daughters. No parent wants their daughter to grow up and work as a prostitute. At the same time, no parents want their children to get raped. I’m happy to see that a lot of politicians are parents. In my country some of them have 1 or more daughters. With this in mind, they have to support me. It is a shame to see that politician with sisters, and daughters are against me and what I’m doing. They are against me, and they don’t want their children or sisters to get rights.

The people doing this job are suffering, and are not doing it because they are happy. We have to feel their pain. In my experience i have never seen a woman with a Masters degree in Prostitution. I also have never seen a TAFE that trained women to be prostitutes. I have never seen anyone called to be a prostitute for work experience.

I feel pain because of a lot of of parents with children, who don’t want to side with me and go against this. Some think that the people doing this don’t have masters degree or any education.Some think that the people doing this job come from poor families. In my mind they are only thinking about themselves, and are not thinking of what could happen in the future, if their daughters become prostitutes. If you travel across the world, you will find that some who do this job have masters degree, and some come from a rich family or a politician family. You’ll find that some of the people are rich, but were poor before they were prostitutes.

My example of this is of all of the rich families in my country who used to be refugees. A lot of royalty families were once refugees. Go ask King Mutebe, and what job he or his family did when he was a refugee. This will give you experience that anything and anyone can do this job. If the King had had a good job and life when he was a refugee, he would have never thought of going back and becoming king. A bad life had bought him to forget what his fathers story, when his father was killed while he had been on the throne.

Make an inquiry on all refugees, and look for what job they had been doing. Ask them where they had come from, and you’ll find that some of them came from rich and powerful families. You will start to understand that rights for everyone is important. We aren’t allowed to abuse these women who do this job, to want income from them. They have to be free and take care of themselves. The politicians are not allowed to tax them or make them pay for license. If any parent thinks is a good job, they need to send their children to do this job for work experience.

When I was a teenager I saw that the government in my country when people asked about their rights they punished them and tortured them and put them in prison. They never solved the problem and the refugees run away, and they started to look for revenge. They revenge on their families and their own people. A father don´t want their to kids to mistakes. But politicians repeat the mistakes, forgetting people rights and affecting their families. Ida min, their family and supporters are now refugees. Some are homeless and without a job, some opt for prostitution, and some just find underpaid jobs. Saddam, is your family, and your supporters? Do you think they had a good life? Thinking about Gaddafi, did their supporters and family have good life? They are in prison and without option to go outside. And won´t be easy for them to be free. Politician please support my petition. In the future, by signing the petition you will save your family, to this problem we have seen repeating over again. Also you will avoid more revenge and further refugees, and to stay at your position. Quick sign this link:… ☆☆☆☆ This a message to you law commissioner which power do you want police to stop family problems because only the police has the power to do that and they are not working to solve this problem. To solve this family problem so families can be independent and and women can protect her property and to stop child support. When a woman and man live together they can't be deported because that's independents comes. When some family members works he can't pay tax alone. When you retire and the needs to be independent herself so it fair. I know we have experience to solve this problem family violence and is a very hard economic family violence. I am very happy to see Law Commission they have a lot of experience to stop server violence. For example in Libya, they have a peaceful and humain approach to the government. They are building the new experience without violence. I'm very happy with how you are approaching this with no violence. Now I want you to make an appointment together to talk about how we can stop family violence. I think we have the same pain around family violence. Together we can stop family violence. Teaching in the family is very important. We teach animals to be friendly with people and others, we need to do the same for people.

Bullying is an education. Sometimes it gives you experience. There are different kinds of bullying. Sisters and brothers, you have to understand this. When people bully you, don't feel bad. Bullying is sometimes a part of life. If you don't experience it, you might not have noticed it. People don't take you seriously because they don't want to listen to it. People go out of their way to bully you. Sometimes they bully you because they are in love with you but you don't return their feelings. You might feel bad, but bullying teaches you how to live closely with people. Taking time to understand these lessons will improve your life. Leaders face a lot of bullying, but they don't pay any attention to it. For example, caricatures of leaders depict them as animals. This is bullying, but the leaders don't mind it because they are smart. Be a leader. Be patient, learn the lesson from what they are saying, and tomorrow they might just be your friend. Some people bully you a long time ago, but you end up having a family together. That is good: to start with bullying but end with friendship. You can learn from each other and live together. A friendship that ends in bullying is a bigger problem. For example, a marriage that starts happy can end in bullying, causing bigger problems. This is because they don't know how to live with each other, and they don't know how to control this bullying. Bullying from people you don't care about doesn't matter. It's just because they want something from you. They just bully you for attention. If you are upset by this, they win. But if you take time to understand the lessons from this, then you can learn something from each other. If you ignore them they will also learn something and become a better person, to you and the community. Making a big deal of it will make it a bigger problem. Even your friends will be scared of you because of the way you make a big deal out of something small. Your friends will be scared of the way you complain about anything. Friends and family will be scared to bring up small issues because of the way you make them big. Leaders are smart because they know the difference between big and small issues. Things like cartoons and funny talk are nothing because they are small problems. Sisters and brothers, there are different kinds of bullying. One day I was walking on the street, I saw someone I knew. I greeted her. After talking with them, I found they were not as happy as they usually were. I ask them why they weren't happy. They asked me to sit with them. Then they told me that they weren't happy about their past relationship. They told me their partner sent them a video of them sleeping with someone else. They told me, they called their partner to talk about it. The partner just made them unhappy. They showed me this video. I told them, don't be upset. Don't pay any attention to them. I said, in my experience, you ended the relationship. They loved you. The reason why they showed you was because they loved you and they wanted to make you sad. They wanted you to show them that you loved them. The reason why you left them was because they loved you. The person they slept with won't love them. They don't love them, they were just using them. It doesn't mean anything. It is not going to be a close relationship. I told my friend don't be angry. I asked them, Do they walk down the street together ? They said no. I said, if they got married, what would you do? They said nothing. I said, Don't fall for what they did. In my experience, I think you should call your partner and forgive them. Then you can understand what I am saying. After you finish talking, tell them that they changed you. Brothers and sisters, some bullying is very serious. If you are patient and learn from smaller instances of bullying, you can apply these lessons to more serious ones. A community and a family can help you to learn these lessons and end bullying instead of punishing it. Community and family issues don't need to involve leaders. This is a community to learn from bullying and learn from each other. How we can overcome bullying, learn from each other, and live with each other. Not to give a right to live like a human is a bigger bullying.

Actor One day i was sitting in the city, i was feeling pain over my body. I had been thinking too much, and i decided to listen to music through my earphone. After, a woman and man came and sat next to me. The woman was crying, and the man was kissing the woman. He gave her massage, and i began thinking about woman, and why she had been crying because she had someone who took care of her. I told myself if i had a person like him, i would probably forget my pain or problem. The took around 30 minutes, without the woman stopping from crying. I started thinking again, and i thought that when the man kissed her she got pain, or that he was massaging him too badly. I started thinking about asking the woman why she was crying, but i remembered laws which meant that if i talked to her without her being happy she could sue me. I decided not to ask her, and instead i showed her boyfriend my book. I touched her boyfriend and greeted him and gave him the book. They stopped kissing and her boyfriend read the book. She stopped crying and she also read her book. I told her, my sister if you have problem don't cry. We come to reduce problem, don't think that because we sit down we don't have problems. I told her that i wanted someone to talk to so that i could forget my problem. I decided to hear music instead. I told her i had pain in my arm and shoulder, I told her that everyone she saw had their problems, and without talking to them you wouldn't know. I told her that if she saw people who had jobs, they also had their own problems. Even politicians had big problems as well. She looked surprise. I asked why the politicians quit their jobs. I told her that they got more problems, and the job only added to their stress. The politicians stopped because they didn't want to be stressed. I told her that some politicians or dictators didn't have education and decided to kill people, without caring. She said thank you very much, and asked me for my website so that she could read more. They wrote the address and walked away. Every couple of steps she would turn around look at me and wave. This was the same with her boyfriend. I started thinking again, about why the woman had not stopped crying after her partner had showed her so much affection, while i only had to talk to her and she stopped crying. I started to know that she was a smart woman, She had understood that i had problems, she had wanted to be with someone who wanted to be like her. If both of them had stress they would both be the same. That was the first and last time i had seen both of them.

Sisters and brothers, if you have problems don't cry in a place where there's a lot of people. Sometimes if you have a problem laugh like a dog. You have to know that if you cry, because people have brought you problems. If you cry, these people who bring problem to you are very smart, everywhere you go they follow you . And if they see that you are crying, it makes them happy. You make them very happy, and you give them more power to give you more stress. If they look ad they you, and you are laughing they feel pain and they begin asking themselves why you are not feeling anything. Some of them will change their minds and wont follow you. If you go back home don't cry in front of your family. Those people are smart, they have already follow you and family. They don't care about you or your problems that make your parents feel the wrong way about you and make them turn enemies against you. They change them to be your Sometimes they made them friends. If they see you crying, your family will tell them everything. Your family thinks that that there there friends, and that they would help them. If you feel like crying, go to bathroom and take a shower, where no one will see or know you are crying. If they come to see you, they wont see you cry because they will see water. If you go to your mother and father, you have to cry because they have raised you since you were young and have seen you cry and solved your problems. If you talk with someone tell them your problem. If you tell them your problem, could possibly find someone who feels pain for you. If you start crying, you will know that they will feel pain for you and help your problem, if you cry to them they wont see you cry. You have to know that they will also get stress. They are smart and don't want to be stressed and they will decide to leave you. Try to mix with people, not outside people. Don’t think to go outside and sit alone and away from people. You have to understand how are is peace. Give them how are you and everybody. Talking is medicine, and laughing means your happy. Laughing massages your brain and face.■

Australia government does not protect people from fire and trees. You see houses surrounded by big trees and Bushes. The government does not take the responsibility to protect them. This is the responsibility of the government Australia they give the town council power to abuse the people and animals. You need a permit to have a dog. Animals not a business, you do not get income from dog or cat. Lots of money to care of them. No butcher to get meat. Find a volunteers to take care of dog. When you get a dog, you are volunteering to take care of dog, you dont get income. City council abuses the people and animal like a mouse in a house taking food without paying. Pet is like this. City council does not allow income from animal, has to be free. They want to everything income.

I never been to Japan people Australia says that is a nice tree and garden and street. Please help me to make a video in a garden in Japanese In summer there is a beautiful tree that blossoms purple and white flowers which I want to film. Can you help me make this video of the the tree blooming and send it to my Facebook page?

Please help me to make a video in a garden in south Africa. In summer there is a beautiful tree that blossoms purple and white flowers which I want to film. Can you help me make this video of the the tree blooming and send it to my Facebook page?

My friend. ..City of Melbourne I know you come with car the car ..parking underground .and go to office...Monday to Friday. ..sat n uniforms. .Monday to go to job. U have gym at home...u don't need to walking on street. Ur doctors happy about this problem .

Melbourne city council protect visitors and your community from this is trees program and your city I love Victoria.

City of Melbourne Dear my friend. You have a big problem In protecting student. And hearing and respect. Student want to sit in the garden to take exams. When you put this tree in the University, they will not want to study. This is your responsibility too see the problem and fix the bad. You need to protect to protect yourself. You have to respect University and community. Protect them from the tree; it kills a lot of people from fire and blown over from the tree. Many countries have a tree and you have protect from this problem. You are number one. You are going to cause children not to study. Students have to study to get a master and keep them down. Studying is a very big job and has to be comfortable. Important to be comfortable. Thank you very much for taking my advice.

City of Melbourne Dear my friend, honestly we get a lot of sun here in your country but the sun rises first in Saudi Arabia then Africa! In listed countries, its not number 1 neither in cold nor the sun. I want you to come to my country and visit together where there is warmth and the sun. Thanks for the advise. When we visit together Saudi Arabia, I want to show you around, if any issues in the city, we will visit the council and let them know. We will get more experience to understand each other and we go to Africa together. If yo

u want to explore all around Africa, will love to show you around. After we finish the tour, we gonna way more than friends. I believe among the cleanest countries in Africa is Namibia. When we come back, you will make it number 1 country. I want to give you my recordings which will give a first hand experience. I love your Melbourne when you give me the recorder to catch events. We will be favourite friends. Have a good one. Hope to hear more from you....

The jacaranda trees bloom every October. How long have the trees been there? My friend, purple and white flowers grow every year at the garden in Pretoria. Where people are happy and take photos with the first tree.

City of Melbourne don't forget to give them information about the visit to buy masks to protect them from hay fever because of pollen from trees.

Details of contact Subject of the request : Trees Nature of contact : Complaint Details of issue : Hay fever from pollen in the trees is causing health concerns, eg. respiratory and eye issues. Will start a campaign in 1 month. Location of issue (if relevant) : Melbourne. Plane tree. They are a good tree in the Winter. September, October and November are the months of Spring. The pollen of the Plane tree gets in people's mouths and nose and causes them to cough and catch the flu. They go to this time doctors are talk about coughing and the flu. The doctor says they need an injection to get rid of the flu. The doctor gives the patient medicine for the coughing. I have been some countries like Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia; South Africa, all these countries protect the population in city for planting trees not cause any health problems. And here in Australia the city council doesn't protect population to be convertibles while walking in city because leafs from trees are going to noise and mouth and hair and all body. The above countries when tree get old and big they cut and replace to protect the people not fall and damage and also not cause health issue.

When i was young i was scared of dangerous people The first time i went to prison. When they put me to prison, i was really scared. I started to think that dangerous people would give me problems. I started to know that everywhere you are, you get good and bad people. I found that the people inside the prison were not different to the people outside. There were reverends, pastors, imams and all religions. There were also police, and there wasn't any different to people outside. They had another prison to put dangerous people in. I started to like them, and had conversations together. They were honest people. I started asking them why they were in prison, and they told you true story. Every legal was there inside. The big mafias blamed small mafias. They asked them why they came to prison about drugs, and not about robbing for money. They didn't like them, and they blamed them. I started to ask them questions, and they asked me questions. I asked one man, and he told me he had been there for five years, they left him.when he finished his sentence, he went out but committed another crime and was sentenced to 10 years in jail. I asked him why he hadn't stopped with crime, and hadn't looked for a job himself He told me that when he went outside, people got scared of him and didn't give him a job. The government didn't give him a job, the government always followed him, because they knew he was a criminal. He decided to do crime. I started to remember that i had been scared of dangerous people. I started to understand that people who were dangerous, and people who didn't give dangerous people jobs were also dangerous. I started to know that they trained people badly. Some of them hated themselves and got stress. They started started to learn to be in gangs, and do more crime. Every person in the prison i asked, told me this story. In the prison i had known a lot of people from my city and the village i was born in. I found that they have big experience. They made a lot of robberies while they were inside. The people in the prison were very smart. They gave other robbers information on where to steal. If they steal and get money, the robbers would go to prison and give them the money to take care of them. They don't care, and they could kill police if they wanted to. They could also kill people who went to go to court to give evidence against them. I stayed in the prison for 2 weeks, i was then let out after going to court. When i went to do my business in another capital, some of them already knew me any they came to greet me. Some of them came and asked me for help because they wanted to go to another distinct. I helped them and paid for their transport. One of them came to me and asked me to help them because they didn't have money for food. I gave him money for food. He then told me that he hated being outside of prison. He told me people were scared of him.He told me that he would do crime so that he could go back to prison. He said that if he went to rent accommodation, they wouldn't give him a place to stay. The next day, i saw him in the city. Every person who passed him, he would hit them. He hit 5 men, and three women. Police came and caught him. They put him in prison. The police were happy to put him in prison and he was also happy to go to prison. Politicians don't like taking care of criminals, until they need them. When they need them they show them they like them. When rebels started fighting against government. The government used them, and gave them jobs. The government knew the robbers were experienced like robbers. They started to send them to rob places. The robbed everywhere and to the barracks. When the war finished, the president didn't trust them, because he knew what the were capable of. He knew that if he didn't give them a good life, they would change and cause him problems. He put rules saying that if you robbed with guns and knifes they would hang you. He put this rules, because he wanted them to save him. He hadn't trusted them, why he know he had dealt the robberies with him. The last time i went to prison, these criminals had more training, they had the same stories. They didn't want to see people came to court to provide evidence against them, if they saw you they would kill you. When i started being a refugee, every country i passed, every time they saw my letter, they began talking to me because they knew i was a prisoner as well. They all said the same story about people being scared of them and not giving them jobs. One day i was sitting on Lygon st, one man came and sat with me. I had always seen him, and he told me he was not happy, and he wanted to kill someone. I told him not to think about this. He asked me if i had been to prison and i said yes. He asked me how many times, and if i had been there about drugs and robberies. I wanted to tell him no, but ended up saying yes. He asked me why i hadn't used drugs. I told him that when they put me in 📷♥📷♥📷♥ prison, i stopped because i didn't want anything to do with drugs. He says that he had never seen me do robberies, and i said that i didn't want to go black to prison. He thanked me for telling him, because if you go there they fuck you and use you for everything. He told me that outside was the same, people hate you and they wanted to run away from you. Not anywhere you can find job. He told me that prison and outside was the same. He said that in prison you can eat food and watch tv without worrying about drugs, but outside sometimes you don't have any food. Dears, if you are scared of dangerous people, you are not people with dangerous people. Already, you are training him to be more dangerous. You cause problems yourself, and you bring danger to you and they start to say why you run away from them. You will also be dangerous. You will runaway from everybody. And you will already be alone with no one to be with or talk to. You will share distress, and you will start to hit everybody. In the end you will also use stress medicine. Saying how are you is peace full, Talking is medicine, laughing means you are happy and comes from talking. Talking will stop you from thinking too much, no one is born bad we teach each other to be bad. No one is born good, we teach each other to be good. Politicians and politicians, in my experience with politicians in my country. They are big criminals, they already ha good job, and no one has power to stop the from working. If someone commutes a crime and is sentenced to prison. Once he leaves prison, politicians have responsibility to take care of him, and give him job and income. If you don't give him a job, you're training him to be full criminal. Sometimes its a small crime like drugs, fighting or stealing food or belongings, you're training him to be in gangs. You bring him sick, to hate himself and country, and to be distress. In the future if this happens to you're grandchildren while you're alive, will you be happy? don't think this is very far from your grands or children. Before I started campaigning about women rights I voted and would send my votes through post office and they would be delivered. but now that some are not happy, I posted my votes and were not delivered. now all am told is that I didn't vote. this means it wast dismissed. I don't blame the person who wrote me the letter because the rules give power to torture other through government rules. People who don't be blamed for what they did. They use psychological torture through rules. Someone who misplaced it used psychological torture to torture me financially. most financial tortures are financially. the worst torture is financially which is worse than being prison ed. wants to distress you and destroy or kill yourself not to be blamed for torturing you. because he knows the person's happiness is finance.. That is a persons right to be torture. if they want to vote they should and if they don't want to they shouldn't. they do it to torture us but they to are tortured. it tortures the police, soldiers and the leader. they use it to torture the leader to destroy his family as well. that minister is abusing president. Then you find the wife blaming husband having affair with the leader. then everyone wears it and it destroys them. If they have children won't have the right to teach children. the children won't be able to trust parents since they do it as well in office. when the leader goes home only to find the wife stressed a lot. When I spent time campaigning you was sending yoh to have affairs. the woman adds the distress and be like of you go to office am finding someone else as well. even him won't be able to give advise about bf and gf. All people who are tortured have rights to question government to destroy their family. even in a rules where it says don't bad name someone. even their partners would have rights to blame gvt for destroying their family to cause them stress. A child , A wife or a husband have rights to report gvt to destroy their brain. even me I have right to blame them. I voted but my vote wasn't delivered so that they can affect me financially they misplaced it. they want me to pay fine but when I vote I don't get money. if they paid me they would have stopped paying me. Cigarette was 10 but was increased so that people can stop cigarette. but it wasn't for people to stop cigarette. they wanted income from it. and it is now 50 dollars. it has increased the criminal. who smokes and who doesn't are all affected. who smokes when goes to robe around cigarette might shoot whoever is around. Even the police are included.I would go on but for now we are an eye for an eye. if you don't have a wife you are tortured as well starting living by yourself all the time now and then. we miss to teach each other and solve problems and all gain from it. now no one is winning even who is running after you has his own stress . I stop from here even if am interested in continuing. Re = Being unhappy with my current situation in Australia under the Australia government I Mr Siraj kifamunyanja, hereby declare that I am no longer happy with the current Australian human rights the mean reason that I am not happy with the current Australian human rights is that Australia does not protect nor promote the core human rights according to Geneva convention. I come to this country in the hope of having to practice all rights that I was denied while in my home country, Uganda my expectation was to receive all my fundamental rights in the country that I was going to migrate under the United nations in South Africa. However since my arrival in Australia I found that there is no single Australian agency that adhere or protects the core human rights. As such, I would like to go back under the United nations where can decide my future●

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